Happy Halloween Everybody! For us this will be a Flashbook afternoon. I have finally decided what book I'll read: it must be a quite fast reading (we've got maximum half an hour), engaging and funny, iwth a little bit of suspense.
E la scelta è ricaduta su
There's No Such Thing as A Ghostie
And the chosen book is
There's No Such Thing as A Ghostie
E' un libro che mi è molto piaciuto: ha lo stesso ritmo di A Caccia dell'Orso, è coinvolgente, ha ripetizioni che divertono molto i bambini,
I really like this book; it has a rhythm similar to that of Going on a Bear Hunt, its engaging, it has a number of repetitions that typically make children laugh.
crea suspense e usa suoni onomatopeici.
And it creates suspance with onomatopoeic sounds.
L'ideale per animarlo con la sola voce, con un piccolo accompagnamento musicale "da brivido".
It's ideal to make a dramatic reading with voice only and accompanied by creepy musical sounds.
E così alle 16,30 ci sarà questo Flashbook presso la palestra dove i miei figli praticano basket da quest'anno....speriamo di attirare quanti più bambini possibili!
And at 4.30 p.m. we'll have this flashbook at my children's basket gym, let's hope we'll attract as many children as possible!
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